![]() 03/09/2016 at 15:42 • Filed to: Life | ![]() | ![]() |
Long story short, I’ve been offered an identical position in a different division of the same company I currently work for.
The pay, benefits, and vacation time is all identical and won’t change. What will change is that I can work from home and don’t have to head into an office. The bad news is that I won’t have office pals anymore, since work is 40 minutes away and I’d have no reason to wander over there.
Also, the team that wants me is one of the hottest units:projects to be on, with a lot of growth and the project/unit will essentially never end because it’s in demand. Some guys have worked there nearly 20 years. Where I am currently, the turnover rate is a bit high, :/.
I’m on the fence because I don’t like change, and I do like to talk with the guys and girls here. But I would be saving gas money and the car wear and tear would decrease significantly.
For those of you wondering, I went through a period of my life where i couldn’t even put food on the table for my wife and baby girl, my in-laws did it for me. It wasn’t until I got this current job that things started to look up. I really hate messing with stability, so naturally I'm scared and nervous, :/. Will need to pray through this...
![]() 03/09/2016 at 15:47 |
i fel like working at home you dont learn as much about stuff just from being able to face to face interact with people. I hated working at home. Its boring. If you could work in the office you should a couple days a week.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 15:49 |
A couple things to think about.
40 minutes of driving twice a day = almost 7 hours a week of driving.
Yes driving is fun. But that’s almost 7 hours a week of gas you aren’t paying for, that’s probably more importantly an extra 7 hours a week you can spend with your family.
Another thing to consider. Do you have a place in your home that you can work undisturbed. It’s really, really difficult to get professional work done when your kid runs up to you 18 times in an hour. Lots of distractions.
If this new group is more stable/long term than you’re current then it sounds like you would be making a move in favor of stability not messing with it.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 15:50 |
While you say pay and benefits are the same, your gas, wear and tear on the vehicle also affect your finances.
They say if you want something done, ask the busiest guy in the office. If you can show your skills in a high pressure, high demand role, it will only show that you are more capable. The fact that the in demand division wants you says two things, either they have confidence in you, or they cant keep up and need an extra set of hands.
I say take the job.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 15:51 |
Sounds like you should make the move, if it’s for a fast paced/growing team. While you’re not getting a bump now, you probably will in the near future.
Working from home isn’t for everyone. It got old quick for me, however it was nice that I could work while I was on the golf course, take calls while I was long-boarding etc...
It’s totally normal to feel nervous/weird about it. Even when I was getting ready to leave a job that I hated I was reluctant at first.
The biggest thing is your commute. I read somewhere that overall job satisfaction is heavily related to how short (or not) your commute is. I used to commute an hour each way everyday. I had no idea how much I hated it until I didn’t have to do it anymore.
Congrats and good luck with your decision!
![]() 03/09/2016 at 15:52 |
Sounds like a good thing. You might ask some people there, who know about your opportunity, “what would you do in my place?”
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There is a office, but it’s 50 minutes in the opposite direction of my current office. If I switch divisions, I’ll be cutting off all ties, and access, to this building. Namely because I wouldn’t have an id badge anymore. But I would be at home more, and I could watch my daughter grow up more than I would now. Currently, I spend nearly 2 hours a day commuting, and 8-9 hours working. That's about 10 hours a day I miss my family, :/.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 15:56 |
The big question is how are you at home work. I have never been good at homework, either in school or at work. In my mind if I am at home, that is my place, it is for me to rest and relax, and I never bring work home. The one time I had a work from home position it did not go well. I developed bad habits that are still with me to this day. The good thing was I had a boss that really did not care that I was completely slacking off. That said I know other people who do not work well at home, had the same issues, and it did not work out for them. I do know people that it works well for them, they can work better at home, fewer distractions. They get more done in less time, and have more free time as a result. If you think you are that kind of person, than go for it. If your more like me, it could be a bad move, and considering your anxieties, if your too distracted, it can compound the issue. Also how much of an outgoing person are you, because you need to be able to know what is going on, on a big picture way, and that can be more difficult if your at home.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:15 |
That last line is your answer.
Though you are going to have to face the gripping reality of “Sorry honey I’m working right now” and not being able to go play.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:21 |
Do you HAVE to work from home? Won’t there occasionally be some meetings at the office? If you have to work 100% from home, you will enjoy it at first, but it gets old after a while....trust me. I miss the ‘flex’ days when we had an office in my region, as my team would coordinate and meet the same 3-4 days each week.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:23 |
I DREAM about getting to work from home, haha. Seriously though, it sounds like a great opportunity. If you're in demand like that you gotta be doing something right. Spending time with your family is golden. I say do it.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:24 |
There’s a lot to be said for having more family time. I shifted hours so I could be available in the afternoons. So far, I’ve been able to coach volleyball, basketball, and track. I’ve been able to help with the Robotics club and with Scouts. I’ve been there to provide guidance and advice for their projects, but I won’t do it for them.
For those who think I’m helicopter parenting, I assure you I’m not. Kids have to have free space and an opportunity to fail. Some of their fails have been spectacular (and occasionally bloody), but they learned their lessons and are better for it.
The flip side is how difficult it can be to work from home. Just like taking an online course, people working from home must be very disciplined about it. You will need a separate office where you can sequester yourself away from the household distractions - laundry, the TV, the dishes that you didn’t put away, the dog, that squeaky door....
I learned this the hard way while working from home a couple days a week. Focus. Discipline. Who just drove by? Mailman! Squirrels in the yard! Wait, where was I?
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:33 |
Coworkers are overrated.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:39 |
Everyone’s different, but I would love to be able to work from home 100% of the time. I wouldn’t even own a home, I think. Just travel around and work over a wireless connection. That would be a hell of a life, at least for a few years.
Of course, having kids changes the equation dramatically. I personally would still opt for teleworking but I generally don’t like interacting with people anyway.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:43 |
As much as I love driving, I hate hate hate commuting. I currently work 3 miles from home and even that commute is enough to get my blood pressure up some days.
Now, if I lived and worked in rural North Carolina or similar, where I could take quiet, winding backroads, I would feel much differently about my commute, I suspect. But in urban/suburban four-lane stop ‘n’ go? No thanks, friend.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:45 |
I currently work from home on Mondays only, so I have a taste.
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Office is 50 minutes away, but the team is global, so all meetings are done via phone.
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Well that helps. So you have a nice place at home to hide away so you can go get your work done then?
Man that’s a lot of time gained back in your life and a lot of money saved in gas
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:47 |
Squirrels?! Where?!
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:49 |
I make myself enjoy the commute. Listening to music is peaceful to me.
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That was another curious thing, I’ve been on this project for over a year, but this specific team since January. Apparently I made enough of a ripple that when they a higher up heard he might lose me, he personally requested to find a way to keep me.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:56 |
MrsZtp and I are taking about the office thing. Currently I just work in the dining room with little to no issues.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:57 |
Mailman. UPS driver. Squirrels. That pretty much sums up my last seven years of working from home.
Oh, and becoming friendly with lots of teachers, since they usually get out earlier in the day and can be at happy hour before most people.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 16:58 |
the way to keep you is....MORE MONEY
![]() 03/09/2016 at 17:03 |
I want to be more outgoing, admittedly, but I have no friends nearby. My closest friend is my wife. I spent most of my time at home since my wife is a introvert. That’s why I'm torn. I do have nice neighbors though.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 17:05 |
Ha, we have interesting conversations though. Today we talked about videogames, the old-school ones.
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They would leave in a heartbeat, actually. Morale is admittedly low, :/.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 17:40 |
Ever thought of using a bicycle? You could get commuting and working out done in the same time, plus not getting stuck in traffic. 3 miles is the perfect distance really.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 17:52 |
Not really hide, lol. The desk is to the right of the fish tank, in the dining room. We have a lot of furniture, lol.
On the commute home, I realized car insurance would go down too.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 17:53 |
No additionally money, but it seems I'll be saving money in the long run.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 17:54 |
I'm leaning towards it.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 18:32 |
Not quite what I was meaning, but it does suggest that it could be an issue. I mean that, it's always a good idea to know the pulse of the company you work for. Water cooler talk can be good in knowing where you sit relative to others. Knowing what opportunities might be coming up, or may be going away. Networking like that, even at small levels, even when other may be sharing something to a group and you pick up on it, can have long term benefits in your career. Even if your not out going at work, just being there can have benefits to your career. If you have an outgoing personality you can probably just chat with colleague online and be fine. But it sounds like you might not be, so realize that even if the move is a good move in and of itself, it may mean you are cut off from further opportunities. Just something to keep in mind, it should not be the determining factor, but it may help with a pro's and cons type analysis.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 18:35 |
Sounds like a great option, partly for the upward potential and motivational projects, but especially because you can be home with the little girl more. Hopefully you can find a way to stay in touch with the office mates if you go for it. I’m similar in regards to not wanting to upset stability, but when I have jumped at career opportunities I haven’t regretted it.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 18:48 |
Yeah I actually really like cycling and we even have a gym with a shower at work, so you’d think that would be a good fit. But it’s a really really shitty ride. There is no pavement for a good mile, just a crappy, muddy trail filled with broken bottles and pieces of wrecked cars. I ride a cyclocross bike with flat-resistant tires, and after literally running out of spare tubes and patches within the space of a couple months I kinda lost interest in continuing the bike commute thing.
And I say this as a guy who used to ride 7 miles down Woodward to work in Detroit on a daily basis. I never got a flat at all for two years of that commute, either.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 18:50 |
Gotcha. Makes totally sense.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 18:55 |
It’s too bad, really. If the city would just pave a sidewalk there I would be golden. I would probably be more relaxed at work, I could definitely use the exercise, and I would at least have an excuse for being sweaty.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 19:23 |
The fact that the other job that has people who have worked there for such long periods of time is attractive to me. If the wages are comparable and the security is strong, and the opportunity appeals to you, just do it! However you could also use this as an chance to see if your current employer will offer you more money... but the fact that you’re posting this at all says to me you are very interested in walking.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 19:36 |
Shoot, man, walk to the nearest coffee shop and make friends with the other work from homies! I can’t imagine doing a 40 minute drive in the first place.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 19:41 |
What are you, a commie?! Wanting the city to pave a sidewalk..
Yeah, instead of a bunch of trillion dollar fighter planes, some infrastructure sure would be good. Potholes are getting old at this point.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 20:46 |
Current position would never offer more money.
And yeah, I'm considering it. There's just so many pros and cons though.
![]() 03/09/2016 at 21:02 |
Ha, been doing it for over 2 years now.
![]() 03/10/2016 at 09:19 |
I meant in regards to that one that the higher up guy of your original group wants to keep you. if he wants to keep you he has to pony up the cash to keep you, that’s how it works.
And you’ll be saving a lot of money in the short and long run.
![]() 03/10/2016 at 09:20 |
It would go down wouldn’t it.
And lots of furniture is better than no furniture right?
![]() 03/10/2016 at 09:27 |
They wouldn’t do that, turnover is high here because of the pay. :/.
![]() 03/10/2016 at 09:28 |
Well, that’s what I’m saying if he wants to keep you he’s gotta pay. if he’s not going to pay then off you go to this new group that lets you work from home so much.
Don’t think about it as personal, it’s not. It’s business.
![]() 03/10/2016 at 09:36 |
Yeah, instead if 16k+ miles a year, I can change it to something lower.
Ha, a lot of people give me free furniture, so I’ve just kept it all despite the opposition from my wife, :). My living room has a 5 piece sectional couch, a regular couch, and a love seat. We can easily seat 11 people with space to spare. It's for if friends come over, whenever that happens, lol.
![]() 03/10/2016 at 09:38 |
Haha, I have the opposite problem in my living room, only 1 small coach and a little kid rocking chair. Tough when we have people over.
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Yeah, I had to get creative with it all. It’s why the house looks so populated. My wife told me ‘no more!’. So if I need anything else, I have to really need it, lol.
![]() 03/10/2016 at 14:18 |
Skype/conference call them and have them say it’s a business call